Thursday, June 19, 2008

misquito bites.

I'm so happy I talked to Jenny last night. Truely, I feel much better. I had a run in with my dad, I thought I was going to leave his house again, I needed someone. The only person I could think of calling was Jenny. I went to sleep smiling, not caring at all about my dads ego.

There's spiders everywhere.

no joke.

I was at a movie...KUNG FU PANDA!!!

freakin' awesome.

anyways...I saw this thing come in front of my view, I thought it was maybe a fly, but it was moving so slowly in an almost downward direction.

"spider?" I thought. But by the way it was headed, I figured I was safe. It was going to land over a couple feet. But I look down at my legs and see this little black thing on my skirt. It wasn't really little. So I started moving my skirt and this thing started crawling!! oh my gawd spider on my legs!! I jump up and start brushing and batting at my legs. WTF!? how does a spider come 30 ft down from a movie theatre ceiling and land directly on my legs?? There's always spiders around me. Like right now being in the basement, spiders usually pop up, haven't seen one yet though.

I had a dream once when I slept the night at Maxey's, that spiders were trying to get us. We hid in her room but this big black one was determinded to get us. It crawled in through the crack in the door!! AAAAAHHHHH!

I like spiders...kind of. The way they look is so freaky, but the idea of them scares the shit outta me.

mabe spiders are my animal ya know? my totem?? everyone's got one. I used to think it was eagles, maybe it slightly is. Whenever I'm on my way into Duluth an eagle flies directly over my car. This has happened at least half a dozen times.

What would you call an eleven sided polygon? decagon are ten sided. dodecagons are twelve sided. what about 11??

"we added 11.

why?? is it any better than 10?

yeah, cause now it goes up to eleven. "

I could use some spinal tap.

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